Welcome to the FHWA Sub List. The Sub List is for players that can't commit to a whole season or FWHA rostered players that would like more ice time. After you register, your name and phone number will be added to a roster that all of the Team Reps can access. They will reach out to you when they are short on players (benches less than 10). There is no guarantee that you will be called but you won't be charged unless you play.

Please register using the button on the right.




Sunday afternoon games between September 15 and March 22, as needed.


$15 per game for non FWHA-rostered players.

Free for current FWHA-rostered players.


Please bring a dark and light jersey to any games you play.

Rules of Play

In addition to the usual SUB RULES, SUB players must let the score keeper know that you are a SUB during game warm up. The score keeper will record this information. This will allow us to charge you for the game.

2024/2025 Sub List

Do you want to play with FWHA but can't commit to a whole season? Do you play with us but want more ice time? If so, the SUB LIST is for you. Sign up and your phone number will be shared with Team Reps. They will reach out to you if they need a sub! 

When registering you need to select the 9/15/2024 Session. This is just a placeholder, the registration requires a scheduled session. It does NOT indicate the date you will actually play.

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